The brain ages, we explain how

A study coordinated by the University of Pennsylvania explains that even the anatomy of the brain has folds and other regions that change its structure.

At a certain age you look in the mirror, for some before, for others after and signs of the past years they appear: they begin to appear white hair some of them pray more or less marked on the face. Clear signs of aging. A aesthetic question it alerts us to the changes that occur in our body as time progresses.

Like all our organs and systems the brain have their own The maturation curve is completed around the age of 30, After that, the aging process begins, and the body gradually ages anatomical changes and to one reduced efficiency of its functions.

On the subject, a research group coordinated by the University of Pennsylvania and including experts artificial intelligence and biomedical image analysis, are now defined 5 changes that characterize the aging brain.

The help of artificial intelligence to understand the changes

In order to understand how the brain changes over the years, it was necessary to analyze it About 50 thousand pictures obtained with nuclear magnetic resonance. They are changes that can be linked to specific conditions, such as what happens in the brain Parkinsonof or pertaining to genetics and he lifestyle, environmental factors and age-related pathologies and often coexist. Good luck to recognize them means opening the doors more accurate future diagnoses of neurodegenerative diseases.

However, the human eye cannot perceive how the changes associated with cognitive decline occur as they do. invisible changes. To detect them, researchers took help Ai system Surreal-Gan is pre-made. They were actually trained to read MRI data from 1,150 healthy people aged 20 to 49 and 8,992 elderly people, some of whom had cognitive impairment.

Five Signs of Brain Aging

A high-tech system that accurately analyzes 49,482 magnetic resonance images collected from 11 studies, 5 dominant patterns of brain atrophy and quantify them for each individual.

Of these, for example, 3 exist in some form dementiaothers Parkinson and inAlzheimer’s. As 5 changes and relationships between lifestyles have also been identified cigarettes and alcohol consumptionor with genetic characteristics. The hope of the researchers is that in the future, the identified changes can help predict the onset of dementia early.

How to fight brain aging? It is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors to keep cognitive functions younga diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains avoiding excess fats and refined carbohydrates; to carry out exercise regularly as well as stimulating the proliferation of neurons and Avoid smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.

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